Hindistan’da yerleşik AIMCHEM INGREDIENTS PVT. LTD. firmasının aşağıda belirtilen özelliklerde zeolit talebi bulunmaktadır. İlgili olabilecek firmaların aşağıda yer alan iletişim bilgileri üzerinden firmaya iletişime geçmeleri rica olunur.


Manoj Ahir

Manager – BD & Strategy


C-503 Neelkanth Business Park,

Near Railway Station, Vidyavihar West, Mumbai – 400 086.

Dir: +91 22 6625 2047 | Mobile: +91 9920495897

Tel: +91 22 6625 2000 (100 Lines)

Email: [email protected] | URL: www.aimchemicals.in


Zeolite – IP/BP/USP Grade (Soap Application) – 50mt/Mth

S. NoParametersUOMSpecificationTest MethodFrequency
1Appearance Fine, Light white powder free from gritty particles, odourless, unctuous to touch. (Matching with standard)GTM – 001Each Lot
2Whiteness by Reflectance 85 MinGTM 826Each Lot
3pH (5 % suspension) 7.5 to 10.5IS 1462Each Lot
4Bulk Density (Un-tapped)g/cm30.3 to 0.7GTM 003Each Lot
5Bulk Density (tapped)g/cm30.6 to 1.0GTM 003Each Lot
6Particle Size (Retention on 350 mesh)%AbsentGTM 021Each Lot
7Particle Size (Retention on 500 mesh)%5.00 MaxGTM 021Each Lot
8Heavy Metals as Pbppm20.0 MaxGTM 010Each Lot
9Arsenic as (As2O3)ppm2.0 MaxGTM 307Each Lot
10Alumina as Al2O3%7.5 to 8.5IS 9749:2007Each Lot
11Iron as Fe2O3ppm1000 MaxIS 9749:2007Each Lot
12Calcium as CaO%0.8 to 0.9IS 9749:2007Each Lot
13Silica as SiO2%75 to 82IS 9749:2007Each Lot
14Loss on Drying 105ºC%2.00 MaxGTM 027Each Lot
15Total Viable Count (TBC +TFC)CFU/g1000 MaxGTM 223Each Lot